

"What Should Every EFL Teacher Know?" (Paul Nation) Chap.3: How Do You Make Good Problem-Solving Speaking Activities?

Problem-solving speaking activityが効果的、とは前章でも述べられていましたが、その具体的な注意点・方法などが解説された章です。

悪い例として、"What can we do about pollution?"が挙げられています。そして、Outcomes・Restrictions and Requirements・Proceduresがしっかりしていることが大切と言い、以下1つずつみていきます。

suggest, choose, rank, decide, locate, arrangeの6つが主要なoutcomeとしてありうる。pp.44-45にはトピック例が並んでいるのですが、適当に抜粋してみると…

Topics Problem-solving speaking activities
A. THE EARTH Suggest ways of coping with a natural disaster
B. THE SELF Choose a way of dealing with a difficulty with neighbor
C. THE HOME Rank the improvement that could be made to the house
D. THE INTELLECT Decide whether schools should be under local control
E. BUSINESS Locate an advertisement in a newspaper
F. RELAXATION Arrange the players in a sports team
G. PUBLIC LIFE Suggest ways of making people appreciate the police


◯Restrictions and Requirements

Topic and outcome Restrictions
Choose places for a tourist to visit in your town. The visitor has a sore leg and cannot climb steps. They can walk. You do not have much money to spend.
Decide whether the school should be insured. The school will have to raise money to pay for the insurance. Some local buildings have burnt down recently.


1.The pyramid procedure
 まず個人で考え、ペアで話し合い、グループで話し合い、クラス全体で話し合う。to agree on the answerを目標とする。
"The pyramid procedure is excellent for language learning because it provides repeated opportunities to say the same things.(p.46)" なるほど。

2.A sequence of outcomes
 いくつかのoutcomesの複合型。suggest-choose, choose-rank, suggest-rank, decide-locatem decide-arrangeなどが挙げられていた。同じ事を違うcontextsで繰り返し言う必要があるためよい、とのこと。

3.Expert group-family group
 まず"expert group"と呼ばれる組で、問題のある側面について話し合う。各expert groupは別々の側面を話し合う。例えば、8つの選択肢をrankingするとして、最初の2つの選択肢を1班が話し合い、4班が最後の2つの選択肢を話しあうようにする。
その後、"family group"に戻って、自分が話してきたことについて共有し合い、最終的なrankingを決める、など。

4.Linked skills

5.Describe, solve, justify

6.Solve and report

7.Solve and reflect

◯How Do You Make Sure that Speaking Activities Are at the Right Level for the Learners?
1.Preparing learners for speaking activities
 次章で説明される"Linked skill"を用いると、準備が捗る。
 Expert group-family groupも、なんなら最初のexpert groupでの活動の一部は日本語で行えば、準備が捗る。
 事前に使えるフレーズ("I think that you are right.", "OK, but...", "I think that...", "I mean...", "This is the best."など)を教えるのもよい。

2.Designing activities at the right level for the learners

Your friend is going to study English for a year in America. You want to give her/him a gift before she/he leaves. What is a good gift?

It is useful.
It is easy to carry to America.
It is not expensive.
It reminds him/her of you.
Your friend will like it.

Think of two more gifts for the list below. Rank them all. Which should be first on the list? Which should be second?

Fifty US dollars
A memory stick for a computer
A book about your country
A photograph of her/his friends
An electronic dictionary

"Which should be first?"など、その後の活動で使えそうな表現が散りばめられているのがよいハンドアウトだそうです。

3.Providing support for the learners during the speaking activity
 よいハンドアウトの条件として、活動の背景となる情報・ルール(要件と制約)が十分に含まれており、そのハンドアウトにある表現やアイデアを活動の最中に用いることができる、というものがある。上の例で言えば、"I don't think an electronic dictionary is first on the list because it's expensive."みたいな文章を簡単に作れるってのが大事なのかなあ。
