



道を歩けば前置詞がわかる作者: 宗宮喜代子,石井康毅,鈴木梓,大谷直輝出版社/メーカー: くろしお出版発売日: 2007/11/22メディア: 単行本(ソフトカバー)購入: 1人 クリック: 24回この商品を含むブログ (6件) を見る読み終わりました。色々なところ(とはい…

Futsal & Barbecue with my friends from the high school

Yesterday, I played futsal with my friends who went to high school together. Many of them already started to work in some companies, and the others, including me, still go to university or graduate school. We played hard, and it reminds me…

How hard my mother works!

Yesterday, I handed in my biggest report in this semester. I believe I've done everything to complete the Graduate school except for Master's thesis; does this mean I've done nothing?Anyway, I was just lounging in my room when my mother ca…

My Extraordinary Love for Mac

I love mac, though at the same time, I don't want to say such a thing seriously. I use iPhone5, but recently its buttery button hasn't work at all, so I've had to use Assistive Touch.Today I met my friends in Ginza, where there is an Apple…

My Crazy Love for Efficiency

I've been cleaning up my room recently. I made it a rule to clean my room regularly, maybe more than once a week, so my room is always clean. Thus, before I started to clean my room, I had thought it wouldn't be long till I finished it. Bu…

The Comedy Show by CONTERY MAAM

I went to one of two festivals of Todai, Komaba-festival, to enjoy the comedy show by ConteryMaam. When entering the university, my friends from my high school and I made this club to hold a comedy show just for school festivals. Now that …

Noisy Typer入れてみたけど

I've downloaded "Noisy Typer" to make typing fun. Noisy Typer – a typewriter for your laptop. | F.A.T.I found it quite enjoyable to type with this app, but it's only when writing in English.You don't have to press Enter key so much in Engl…

My Dearest Trip to Obuse

I went to Obuse with my friends this weekend to "do nothing" literally.We walked around the beautiful city of Obuse. It was much more crowded than I'd expected, so we tried to stay away from the main street, the most crowded place.One of t…

The only way to avoid suffering from Ama-loss

Ama-loss: it's a name of sickness coming from the grief from the fact that Ama-chan, which we loved so much, is now over. How can we get over this tough illness?The answer: start watching "Chura-san", which was originally broadcast in 2001…

Suddenly in English

I haven't done anything to tell you on this blog recently, so I've left it for a week. I don't think it useful to tell you about trivial things happening in my life: where I went, what I ate, or what I watched. I'd do so if I had higher se…