



Thank you for taking my classes for three years. It was a great experience for me.
Today is the last day for me to see you all in the class, so I'll talk a little bit about what I think about my classes and your future.
When I was a high school student, I was not good at English. My teacher always told me to work hard on English. That's why, when I see some of you who are not so good at English, that's why I didn't think at all that you won't be able to use English in the future. Rather, when necessary, I bet you'll be able to work hard on English so that you can solve your own problem about your English.
And that belief led me to believe that I should choose my teaching material from the real world. Do you remember Obama's speech in Hiroshima? It was two years ago you watched it. I still remember the day I had you watch his speech. Most of you, including those who are usually sleepy during class, watched the video carefully. That made me believe that not only I, the teacher, but also the students get interested in the material when it is related to the real world around us. From then on, I've chosen various topics happening around the world: U.S. Presidential Election, TEDEd Videos, and 'Crooner' written by Kazuo Ishiguro. I'm not sure how you feel toward my materials, but I now think it was a little too hard for those who are not so good at English. One of my biggest regrets is that I couldn't care enough for those students.
Another big regret is related to those who are really good at English. Every class has some students who are really good at English. It was a kind of pressuring experience for me to 'teach' English to them.
And though I've had such brilliant students, I couldn't have them share their thoughts much in my class.

These are what I now think reflecting my classes for three years.

Now I'll give you a really practical tips about the entrance exams.
When you take and hopefully pass the entrance exam, who are you going to tell the result first? Your friends? No. Twitter? Nope. You may think it's your parents. But surprisingly, no! I suggest that you should call your grandparents first. Here's how it works:
'Gramma, I passed the entrance exam!'
'Oh really? Congratulations! Have you already told your mother and father?'
'No. I want you to know it first!'
...This is how you can double the amount of money you get from your grandparents ;)

Well, you might think it's impolite to your parents. I agree. So I'll give you another way to express your love to your parents.
On the day of your entrance exam, when you are about to leave your house, you open the door.
And then you stop and turn around, looking into the eyes of your parents, and say 'Thank you for everything you did for me until today. I'm not sure what happens from now, but I'll try my best.'
As soon as the door closes behind you, your parents must be moved so much.

Please note that it would be a word of your gratitude for your parents. But for yourself, it should be a word of independence. Now you're a high school student, and what you want to do is basically not against what your parents want you to do. But from now, especially when you choose your future career, there may be some conflicts between you and your parents. But remmember, you will by then be an independent person. So it's up to you what you do. So, when you leave your house on the very day of your entrance exam, please say the words in order to thank your parents and to become independent from them.

Last but not least, thank you again for being my students*1. I hope you'll do your best.
