

"What Should Every EFL Teacher Know?" (Paul Nation) Chap.8: How Do You Teach Grammar?

頻度の高い文法事項は教え、低いものはインプットを通じて学ばせればよい、と始まっています。meaning-focused input/output, fluency developmentなど様々な場面において文法を伸ばすことはできる、とも。
◯What Are the High-Frequency Grammatical Features of the Language?
 短いほど頻度が高い、という原則。"That is, we should give attention to the simple, most frequent items and only occasionally, if at all, give attention to complex grammatical constructions."とあって、その理由の1つとして、複雑な文法事項は教員が理解するのも、生徒に説明するのも、生徒が理解するのも難しく、
"These features are best learnt through experience, through meeting them many times in input and through having to use them in output."だそうです。

◯How Can Learners Learn the Grammar of the Language If We Do Not Teach It?
 「先生は教えすぎ」という意識が著者にはある。明示的な文法事項の説明は、Four Strandsのうちの1つ(language-focused learning)の、それもさらに一部を占めるにすぎず、そればかりではいけないよね、とのこと。
 第4章のthe further reading sectionで紹介した論文等でも、intensive readingの中で、生徒は読む力のみならず言語知識も身につける、ということが示されている(らしい)。
 アルファベット一文字ずつ読む段階から、文字として、フレーズとして読めるようになるためにも、fluency developmentの活動は大事。

◯Language-Focused Learning and Grammar
 最初期の文法指導は、survival vocabularyを含んだ例文暗記。"Thank you.", "How much does it cost?", "I am from New Zealand.", "It's seven o'clock.", "See you later."など。学習者がその意味を知ってるとなおよい。また、簡単な文法説明(It's の 's は動詞、とか)があると理解しやすいし覚えやすいだろう。
 Substitution tableもおすすめ。

◯Useful Ways of Drawing Attention to Grammatical Features
 ディクテーション後の採点・フィードバックで、「ここは聞き取れなくても正しく書けるとこだよ」と文法間違いを指摘する。その内容は、5章で"minimum requirements"として触れた、主語動詞の対応・名詞代名詞の対応・全ての文に動詞があるか、などの簡単なもの。

(2)Intensive reading

(3)Giving feedback

Sign in the margin Meaning of the sign Mark in the text
A Article usage. Incorrect usage of countable or uncountable nouns. The noun is underlined.
J Joining word(Conjunctions). A conjunction is missing or there are too many conjunctions. Crossing out or an insertion mark.
Agr Agreement. The subject and the verb or the pronoun and noun or the determiner and noun are not in agreement with each other. The two items that should agree have a box around them and the two boxes are joined.
Sp Spelling. A diagonal line through the spelling error.
V Verb group. The items in the verb group do not fit with each other. The two items that should agree have a circle around them and the two circles are joined.
VF Verb form. The wrong form of the verb(stem, -ing, -ed) is used. The error is circled.
NS Not a sentence. An essential element of a sentence(subject, verb) is missing. An insertion mark.
P Punctuation. A question mark or a full stop is missing. The error is circled.


5 4 3 2 1
can, could, shall, should, may, might, must have, has, had, having is, am, are, was, were, be, been, being is, am, are, was, were, be, being stem, stem+ed, stem+ing



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