

"What Should Every EFL Teacher Know?" (Paul Nation) Chap.5: How Do You Teach Writing?

 本章ではライティングを扱うわけですが、ライティングはエラーチェックとか大変なので、非母語話者教員にとって教えるのが難しい。しかし、生徒のレベルに合った活動を段階的に踏んでいけばかなり負担は軽減される。前章でも触れた"linked skills activities"は、三番目にライティングを据えることで非常に効果的な活動となる。

◯The First Writing Lessons
文章を書き写す段階になったら、以前の章に出てきた、"substitution table"が効果的。10文ほど書かせて、パートナーと丸付けし合う。



◯The Writing Process

Steps in the writing process Description
Deciding on the writing goals なぜ書くのか。目的・言いたいことを決める
Thinking of who the reader will be 誰が読むか。読者のニーズに合わせる
Gathering ideas 書く内容に関してのrough planを立てる。一般に、たくさん情報があるほど書きやすくなる
Organising ideas 論理構成を立てる
Turning the ideas into written text 実際に書く作業。その前にgather & organiseをやっておくと効果的
Looking back over what has just been written 論理の流れが適切かを確認
Editing and correcting the writing 校正作業。チェックリストがあるとやりやすい



What am I trying to say in this piece of writing?
Who am I writing to?
What are the main ideas that should be in my writing?
Have I organised these ideas in the most effective way?
Is my writing correct and easy to read?(p.71)


◯How Do I Design Writing Activities that Support the Writer?
(1)Having a clear model of the reader and goal

Think of a close friend or family member who you could write a letter to. Write a letter to them telling them what you have done in the last few weeks and anything you plan to do in the next few days.(p.72)


(2)Helping with organization and content

You need to persuade a friend of yours to join a sports club or some other hobby club that you belong to. Think of the arguments for and against joining and present them so that your friend will be persuaded to join the club. you should try to attack each argument against joining. Make sure your piece of writing has a strong ending encouraging them to join.(p.73)

You have been asked to write a factual description about a piece of recent international news for the school newspaper. This will be read by your classmates and so should be easily understood by them. Gather information about the piece of news from at least three sources, for example, from a newspaper, a television report, and the Internet. Before doing the piece of writing, look carefully at two or three newspaper reports on different pieces of news to see how they organise the reports.


(3)Situational composition

◯How Do I Design Writing Activities that Help Learners' Language Development?

Text type or style Example purpose Particular features
Notes Record messages Past tense verbs, 3rd person pronouns
Lists Act as a reminder for shopping and daily tasks Isolated words and phrases, nouns and noun groups, imperatives
Cell phone texts Arrange your social and business life Questions, abbreviated language
Emails Exchange information Questions
Chat postings Express opinions Reporting verbs
Friendly letters Maintain social contact Letter format, first person and second person pronouns, clausal constructions
Formal letters Do business Letter format
Descriptions Describe reactions Present tense verbs
Narratives Tell stories and describe happenings Past tense verbs
Instructions Give directions Imperatives
Persuasive writing Convince others Modals
Academic report Report on data gathering and analysis Background-method-results-discussion format, passives, complex noun groups

トピック例も、the earth, the self, the home, knowledge and education, business, communication, relaxation, public lifeなど豊富に挙げられている。

◯Improving Writing through Large Quantities of Writing

◯How Do You Give Feedback on Writing?
 フィードバックに関しては、(1)詳細にフィードバックするもの、(2)内容に関して少しコメントするに留めるもの、(3)見るだけでコメントはしないもの、とに分ける。自分で自分の書いたものを確認する時間も十分に取る。自分で確認→ペアで確認→提出、とすれば最低限のミスは直した上での提出になるので、正す手間が省ける。生徒同士で見合う際は、・主語動詞の対応、・代名詞名詞の対応、・全ての文章に動詞があること、・スペルミスがないこと、などの"Minimum requirements"のみを確認させる。100語中にどれくらいそうした簡単な間違いがあったかを記録させておくのも効果的。


Types of writing Activities Feedback to learners
Careful writing Issue log reports, Writing with feedback on a planned range of types of writing and topics Peer checking, Self-checking of minimum requirements, Errors per 100-words graph, Teacher's feedback on parts of the writing process and language use
Writing for fluency 10 minute writing, The 3rd step in a linked skills activity Encouraging comments on content, Quantity graph
Extensive writing aiming at quantity Diary writing, Personal letter writing, Narrative writing Not marked but quantity monitored

◯What Should You Learn from This Chapter
 ライティング授業の半分はmeaning-focused output(実際に書く作業)、1/4はlanguage-focused learning(間違いに関してフィードバックを得て、自分で間違いを探すような練習をする、またライティングプロセスについて学ぶ)、残り1/4をfluency development(10 minute writing)に充てる。

有料だけどETS Criterion writing evaluation serviceというサイトもあるよ、ということも書かれていました。
